Hobbies: Making Time for Ourselves

Jim Mielke

Even for those who are lucky enough to have landed a career that is their passion, having an interest to cultivate outside of work has a multitude of benefits. Many of us have such busy lives between work and families that the idea of squeezing another thing in may seem impossible. Luckily, there are literally thousands of hobbies to choose from whether you have 5 minutes a day or several hours. There is something out there for everyone. There are hobbies for pure relaxation, physically challenging ones, hobbies to sharpen the mind, and ones you can choose just because you want to.

The Benefits of Having a Hobby

There have been numerous studies on the mental health benefits of having hobbies. Hobbies seem to give us a sense of fulfilment and personal accomplishment that we all need in our lives. It makes sense, because when you’re participating in a leisurely activity of your choosing, you get to call all the shots. Having the power to choose what you’re doing, when you’re doing it, is the exact opposite of the schedules and planners we adhere to on a daily basis. The greatest benefit of having a hobby is the stress relief that comes with it. A study of 115 people published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine in 2015 shows that people who engage in hobbies have lower cortisol levels, more positive and less negative moods, and an overall lower heart rate.

Hobbies During COVID-19

When’s the last time you completed a jigsaw puzzle? Got a lot on your mind? Find a notebook and start journaling. Something else you can do from the comfort of your home is collecting. If you’ve got an interest in books, coins, coffee mugs, you name it; start a collection. All you need is a computer and time to devote yourself to researching. Depending on what you collect and the market, there could be a sizeable profit in it for you.

Other hobbies include:

  • knitting
  • crocheting
  • scrapbooking
  • reading
  • gardening
  • learning to cook

Still Unsure?

If you’re still unsure if you’re ready for a hobby or where to start, relax. Finding a hobby isn’t supposed to be a stressful ordeal. One thing that may help get your mind jogging or help motivate you is to ask yourself if there’s anything you would like to change about yourself. Another strategy is to think of what your interests were in your younger years and go from there.

If you’re just looking for more ideas, get on a computer and Google search the word “hobbies”. There is also a fantastic website with thousands of hobbies for anyone and everyone. www.hobbylark.com has something for everybody. If you’re up for an adventure, there is even an option to allow the site to pick a random hobby for you. The bottom line is, no matter how much or how little time you have, there’s something out there for you that is sure to pique your interest and provide personal fulfilment and happiness.

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