How to Be Social During a Pandemic and Why It Is Important

The Coronavirus pandemic came as a surprise and halted different activities all over the world. We know how hard this isolation period has been for everyone and how regular activities suddenly became impossible. One question though, did life really stop for you because of a pandemic? I hope not! Admittedly, the new world realities haven’t been easy on a lot of people. This is why it is extremely important to unplug from everything on occasion by engaging in rejuvenating activities to relieve stress, engaging in activities to stay in a healthy mental space and connecting with loved ones at all times. If you’re struggling with this, take a look at a few suggestions on how to stay social during this period.

Tips on how to be engaged socially despite the COVID-19 Pandemic

1. Digital Communication:

Maintaining social distance shouldn’t equate to distancing yourself from friends and family completely. Thanks to technology, you can always connect to family anytime and anywhere in the world. There is a plethora of apps such as Skype, Zoom, and Whatsapp video calls to help you with this.

2. Online game nights/house parties:

Get in on the fun with online parties and game nights which can be planned with friends and loved ones. Surely you have heard of the popular House Party app which gained tremendous popularity during the beginning phase of the lockdown measures around the world. Even better is what is popular referred to as “Zoom parties” you can either choose to engage in attending one or planning one as either way, you’re guaranteed to have a lot of fun.


3. Online Dates:

Worried that your love life may be going downhill with this pandemic that doesn’t look like its going away any time soon? Well, have you tried online dating? Surely the thought of dressing up super cute, getting the table set and your date being across the City but still right in front of your screen should be exciting and yes it may seem strange and different but you never know till you try, give it a shot!

4. Online courses:

Now more than ever is the perfect time to take that online course you’ve been postponing. Top schools like Harvard and MIT have made most of their courses available online to be taken from anywhere around the world.

5. Take a walk:

We know maintaining social distance at all times is a must, but a little walk around your house or the neighborhood occasionally is good for you too. So step outside, get some fresh air and sun in your face, greet one or two neighbors, but always make sure to mask up and distance from people as you do so.

Why Social Interaction is Important

Humans are social beings and would always crave human connection, 2020 presented itself with an unplanned, persistent  pandemic yes, but there are two kinds of people in this world; those that let life happen to them, and those that let life happen for them. So which would you rather be?

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