Drink, but don’t get drunk! Try these 8 Tips to stay Sober

Take a chilled shot of vodka or whiskey, a mug full of pure beer or a delicious rum cocktail, we Americans will never say no to any drink. Whether it is a big celebration or just no reason at all, Alcohol is a regular part of our diet.

But often while drinking, it can get wildly out of control and unhealthy for you. Because as with everything else, too much will obviously be harmful to your body and too much of it is associated with a host of ailments. On top of that, unlimited refilling only encourages further consumption and thus, more chances of health issues in you.

To truly enjoy your drink, whichever flavor or type it is, it should be real and 100% authentic, don’t you agree? You should look upon the labels of your drinks more often. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, they could be filled with an excess of sugary and artificial additives which you should avoid. Get the real stuff, enjoy quality drinks.

People usually buy syrups from stores to make cocktails, but are they that good enough? They could contain excess sugars and unhealthy sweeteners. A good alternative is to make your own Syrups. That way, you have total control on what’s inside them and you will make some amazing cocktails.

Enjoying drinks and letting your hairs down is fine, but you should know your limits. Every person has a varied biological limit beyond which they can get out of control or health issues start creeping in. In binge drinking, it is pegged at five drinks for men and four drinks for women. Decide how much you will or can have at an outing and try to stick to it.

One more thing you must have noticed; the late in the night you drink, more disturbed will be your sleep, and no one can escape it because our bodies only have a limited capacity to metabolize alcohol. Naturally, if 4-5 times more of it is present in you, it will come out in a few hours. Try to take an early last call if possible.

Who doesn’t appreciate a good pour but the portion size could fool you. There is a certain quantity defined for one drink for each of wine, beer, each of the spirits, etc. Be mindful of portions, else you will end up consuming more than your limits in the same no of drinks.

Look out for the ABV of any beverage. An ideal ABV (Alcohol by Volume) of a craft beer is 5.9%. But some of the drinks have it in the range of 15-20%! Our livers aren’t designed to work overtime in removing all of that, hence lesser percentage of ABV is always recommended.

One amazing idea to bear the consumption of a lot of drinks is to Pair with food, or maybe you can have your meals a bit before or after your drinking sessions. Alcohol on an empty stomach can irritate your digestive system and also can get absorbed quickly. Eating and drinking helps in controlling the rise of alcohol in your bloodstream.

Do you know that you get dehydrated when you consume a lot of alcohol? That’s because it is a diuretic and it has the ability to flush useful electrolytes out of your system. Solution? Simple, try to drink an equal amount of water as your drinks, i.e. a glass of water for a glass of alcohol. Hydrate yourself adequately.

No doubt life is meant to be enjoyed, but you should always be in control of yourself. Alcoholic drinks are such that, take more than the required amount and you can potentially ruin your life if it happens regularly. With the correct limits and precautions, you can enjoy alcohol and your life in the best possible way.

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