You should know these 15 Terms of today’s Dating

Gone are the days when being in a relationship was so simple and straightforward, like so fewer cars on the road. Today, it is a big traffic jam out there. What else, but technology should be blamed for that. Mean, isn’t it responsible for the world to become small after all?

People are coming in contact more with people of the opposite sex, which is sparking more attractions, love, lust, affairs and all sorts of confusions. This has led to a plethora of new terms being defined in the dating world. So get acquainted with them, you never know when you might need to use any of them for yourself!

  1. Mosting: This is a new version of an old manipulative trick. The moster gives very strong compliments, makes a fake sense of connection with convincing phrases, with the least amount of emotional involvement required; then suddenly ghosts.

  2. Catfishing: This is a habit of internet predators. Such people create a fake, yet a convincing profile of themselves online, even social circles and trick people into a relationship with them.

  3. Orbiting: You are being orbitted if a person is not texting or talking to you, but is constantly keeping an eye on your social media. They will stay updated about all the latest happenings in your life, those which you will share on your social media.

  4. Cushioning: In this dating technique, a person will have one main partner in their life, but will also flirt and text a few other potential or future partners simultaneously. Thus, the person “cushions” on the side to avoid or suffer any potential break-up with the main partner.

  5. Breadcrumbing: When a person drops small romantic interests via charming texts, emojis, giving hope to the recipient, but doesn’t go beyond that. It is usually non-committal, flirtatious and with minimum efforts & involvement.

  6. Stashing: This happens often. A couple is in a relationship but they won’t introduce their partner to their friends and family. This happens if they view their partner as temporary.

  7. Benching: When you are undecided about dating someone, you bench them. You start dating them but are not mad about them. You get confused about whether to keep dating them or dump, so you start looking for other options and bench them.

  8. Ghosting: It is the act in which your partner will suddenly disappear from your life without informing or giving any explanation. They don’t want to date you anymore but are scared to say so. Though it’s a very selfish and emotionally immature act.

  9. Zombeing: In this, just like ghosting, they return back one day suddenly and act like nothing happened! And they won’t give any explanation for that. Another version of this is Submarining, where they disappear for a period of time and randomly resurfaces.

  10. Catch and Release: A person catches someone to be their partner, but releases them once they start liking another one and so on. The person plays dating like a game, which is disrespectful and shallow behavior.

  11. Slow Fade: In this relationship, if a person is no longer interested, instead of ghosting, they will fade out of the relationship and then out of your life, gradually. A slightly bearable way than ghosting for the other partner.

  12. Caspering: This is the friendly version of “Ghosting.” The partner will tell how they feel before disappearing suddenly. A compassionate way to leave.

  13. Peacocking: Just observe how a male peacock tries to get a female’s attention. Some humans do similar such thing. They try to attract a love interest by displaying their plus points. They may show their wealth, or any other talents, skills in a bid to win them over.

  14. Breezing: Breezing is a phenomenon in which people don’t give any importance to the rules of dating. They also don’t care about gender roles and playing games, they just like to go with the flow and do what pleases them.

  15. Slow Texting: Without any explainable reason, people here will wait a long time to respond to a text message. They deliberately take their own time to text back.

So have you experienced any of these yet? The way life is changing and getting complicated, don’t be surprised if new terms are invented to define new situations, and any of these become obsolete.


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