9 Most Bizarre American Traditions That Surprise the World

In a world with so many countries, customs, religions, and tribes, Americans have their own identity. They follow their tradition, and some of the Bizzare American traditions may amaze you.

In this article, we have discussed the most famous and interesting American traditions that you should know. Take a look!

#1 Hugging or Shaking Hands

Americans always greet strangers and loved ones with a hug or shake hands. Most of the time, they shake hands with strangers and give hugs to close relatives or friends. Americans do not kiss someone they do not know so easily except their kids and partner.

#2 Baby Showers

Americans always celebrate special moments in their life, and a baby shower is one of them. Baby shower of pregnant wife, friend, or relative has been an American custom for years.

They throw a party, and mom-to-be opens the gifts received from the guests. This occasion is common in America, while people see it as bad to give gifts to a baby before their birth in some places of the world. They have unused gift cards that they also give to mother.

#3 Wearing Shoes In the House

Americans wear shoes in the house. But, for not all Americans, this rule varies from state to state. There are places in the world like Europe where wearing shoes in the house is considered rude and offensive. Not all Americans wear outside footwear at home, and they have separate shoes for indoors.

#4 Americans teach their kids to be independent

Americans always inspire their kids to be independent, and many other countries feel shocked how their kids can leave home at the age of 18. American kids start driving at the age of 18 and start paying for their own expenses. Instead, the Americans focus on teaching their kids what independence is from childhood.

#5 Big Birthday Parties for Kids

People in America love to throw big birthday parties. They love to elaborate the birthday parties for kids and celebrate it like a significant occasion in their life. There are also theme birthday parties for kids and their friends to make their children feel special.

#6 Driving Everywhere

Americans live fast-paced life, which is why they drive most of the time to reach their destination. Big cities like Los Angeles and New York are especially fast-moving and therefore require vehicles to move around the city.  There are small towns where people move, but in cities everyone drives.

#7 Celebrating the Fourth of July

To celebrate the United States’ birth, Americans celebrate 4th July every year. In 1776, the United States was granted freedom from the British Empire. They celebrate 4th July with parades, cookouts, concerts, and parties. Some even incorporate their flag color into food, drinks, and home decor.

#8 Think BIG

The people of America always think big, be it any occasion, party, career, or meal. They also think big for their space and feel that the large can be more practical.

Whether it is about a car or home, Americans always prefer big. Further, this thinking is also true to American food, as most restaurants serve large portions.

#9 Small Talk

When Americans meet with strangers, they prefer small talks with them. Also, they discuss less on sports, TV, movies, etc. Americans are straightforward and do not like to sugarcoat the talk on any topic with anyone. Further, small talk is supposed to be harmless.

Final Words

Now, you know the unique traditions of Americans, so you can witness them by planning a vacation. America is a great travel destination and offers you a lot to discover in addition to their tradition.

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