There are different types of skins and various types of active elements in a facewash. Quite honestly, it gets difficult for people to choose between one or another, especially if you don’t know all the essential information. Having an effective skincare routine is very important. You only realize your neglect when you teach 30’s because this is when you start to see the results of your negligence in the form of wrinkles, acne, and pigmentation. So without further ado, let’s start our article.


For oily skin, it is suggested that one use a face wash/cleanser consisting of aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, and or a cleanser with a small amount of lactic acid to assist break down the oil without hurting skin.

This will leave the skin dry and tight afterwards. Sometimes the oily skin is most prone to acne. It is suggested that one use a cleanser with a salicylic acid-base.

Following are a few suggestions for the face washes.

VITAMINSCRUB -Antioxidant-Infused Scrub Cleanser
CeraVe – Acne Foaming Cream Cleanser


For dry skin, it is suggested that we use a cleanser or face wash that always takes the impurities without stripping the skin of the natural essential oils. A face wash that consists of glycerin or sodium hyaluronate. These components are very effective in removing the top layer of dead skin cells and help to purify the skin without leaving it dry or irritated.

Following are a few suggestions for the face washes.

  • Yes To -Yes, To Avocado
  •  Sobel Skin Rx – 27% Glycolic Acid Facial Cleanser


It’s a type of skin that is both oily and dry. The target zone of oil is the forehead, nose, and chin, while the skin on your cheeks will be dry. This is a very tricky skin, and the person with this skin needs a cleanser or face wash that will moisturize the dry skin and help remove the excess oil. For this type of skin, one should use the face wash, whose active ingredients should have vitamin E, hypoallergenic and paraben-free.

Following are a few suggestions for the face washes.

  • Balancing Cleanser Alpha-H Balancing Cleanser
  • Romer Cleanse Romer Skincare Romer Cleanse


These types of skins are usually prone to irritation after cleansing or especially after shaving. For these types of skins, the suggested face wash is the one that we can balance the PH, so the recommended cleanser has dense, creamy foams and soothing ingredients like aloe vera, willow bark, and witch hazel.

Following are a few suggestions for the face washes.

DTRT Face to Face Foam Cleanser


Acne-Prone Skin:

If you have acne-prone skin, it is possible your dermatologist may have recommended you use salicylic acid. Why salicylic acid, you ask? Well, the thing is, allylic acid is an oil-based solution that goes deep into your skin and fights the dead skin cells and sebum. It is recommended to look for ingredients such as hazelnut and other natural oils in cleansers if you have acne-prone skin as they are mild natural ingredients and don’t damage the skin further.

Following are a few suggestions for the face washes.

  • EltaMD Foaming Facial Cleanser
  • Humane Acne Face Wash, Benzoyl Peroxide 10%

We hope you love this article on choosing face washes and cleansers according to your face type, and we hope it helped you with your skin problems.

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