How to stay mentally fit during covid-19 Pandemic.

We are advised regularly to stay physically fit during these challenging times. From washing hands frequently to sanitizing yourself and your home. But in all this, we tend to forget that mental health is just as important as physical health. We have gathered some tips to help you cope with stress and anxiety in these difficult times. 

Get moving.

Physical activity does more than improving our physical health. It helps to boost our mood instantly. Scientifically, exercise releases endorphins that reduce stress and improve your mood. Do not let the closure of gyms and parks get to you. You can easily do at-home workouts. There are plenty of YouTube videos, fitness apps, and websites that can help you stay active while staying indoor. These videos and apps recommend indoor workouts without having gym equipment. If it is allowed, you can also have a walk around your neighborhood. Maybe go on a hike if possible. You do not have to do intense exercises, stretches, or taking few steps daily can do the work. Get your family involved in it if you are living with them. 

Be selective about media consumption.

Keeping yourself informed about the current Covid statistics is good, but it can become a bit overwhelming when it’s all-over social media and TV. Media constantly informing you about the death tolls that can make you distress. You can help your mental state by limiting exposure. Set aside time to watch the news channels (maybe 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening). It depends entirely on you. Do not scroll through social media mindlessly. Follow people who inspire and give positive energy. Read pieces that give you instructions on how to stay happy and healthy. Also, set aside time to use social media. Switch off your mobile phone 1 hour before going to bed so you can give your brain a break. 

Control what you can control.

We cannot control the Pandemic. Thinking about it all the time would stress us out. This is out of our control. On the other hand, we should keep ourselves and our family safe by washing and sanitizing our hands, disinfecting our homes, and socially distancing ourselves. Managing finances and taking care of yourselves are all things that are under your control. Keeping things in perspective can also help you immensely. We should be mindful and hopeful that things would return to normal one day. These unprecedented times will end. Seeing things from this perspective will help you have control over yourself, and you will take care of yourself and your family better. 

Socialize virtually.

It is advised not to have social gatherings or be a part of it, but it does not mean that we cannot hang out online. Give a phone call to your relatives, especially the ones staying alone. Have birthday celebrations or parties on video chats. Send mail to your friends and families with handwritten cards, and this would instantly lift their mood. You can also go on a walk with your friends if they live nearby (six feet apart, obviously). 

Have fun at home.

I know this is a very stressful time, but it does not mean that you cannot have fun at home. Get your family involved and have a game night or maybe a movie night. You can also play video games with your friends virtually or have a dance party. Learn new instruments or try any recipe out. Or just become a couch potato and binge on any Netflix series. 

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