How to Handle Pandemic Burnout

We are quickly approaching the one-year mark of having to deal with the pandemic. Each day of the pandemic, we wake up to more depressing news and more insecurity. Initially, the pandemic caused most people to wake up from their typical daily routines, be more conscious of their neighbors, and start enjoying the little things in our lives that we previously took for granted, like going to spin class. Now the new normal of social distancing and masking when we are out in public is starting to take a mental toll on people; how can we handle pandemic burnout?

What is Pandemic Burnout?

Pandemic burnout is when we experience a heightened state of stress, anxiety, and possibly adrenaline due to the pandemic for an extended period. When we are experiencing pandemic burnout, there is a baseline of exhaustion towards many aspects of our lives. It is how we respond to our burnout that causes problems. Each person can respond a little differently when they pandemic burnout. One can start to shut down and ignore news and guidance. Another may become so tense they begin to snap at the smallest problem, and lastly, a person could easily become depressed and apprehensive about the world around them.

Steps to Handling Pandemic Burnout

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions

A pandemic is a time to give yourself grace. It is an unprecedented time, where the most straightforward thing now comes with its own challenges. Acknowledge your feelings and how everything is difficult right now, give yourself some grace that it is okay to feel the way you feel, and then use that to move forward to the next chapter of your life.


2. Look at the Bigger Picture

It is hard to keep yourself quarantine, washing your hands, and wearing a mask. When you are focusing on the details, it is tough to see the bigger picture. Remind yourself that you are contributing towards your community and helping control the spread. Get to know your neighbors and see if they need any help getting everyday items.

3. Keep Up Your Personal Care Routine

Like life before the pandemic, you need to take care of yourself and be aware of your health and wellbeing. When you stay home, it is easy to forget to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Your quarantine time might be the perfect time to try out a new skincare routine or change your typical products to plastic-free alternatives.

4. Connect with Others

When you feel down and just need to vent to someone about your pandemic related stresses, reach out to family and friends to talk. While you might not be able to meet in person, you can schedule a time to hold a video call, start an online book club, or watch a show together via a streaming service.


5. Seek Professional Help

If you are finding that you just can’t seem to shake the pandemic blues, it might be time to seek professional help. Luckily, during the pandemic medical practitioners have made themselves available for online visits and evaluations. Schedule a time to meet with your doctor, either online or in-person, to get the help you need.

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