An Interview with Nannie Pea the Author of “Nightmare in My World”

As a teen, God gave Nannie Pea a passion to work with children during Vacation Bible School at her church. Upon graduation from Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, N. C., Nannie Pea was blessed to enjoy a forty-year teaching career in elementary education. With the support of her loving husband, now deceased, Nannie Pea established and operated K. J. Amasia Preschool for children ages 6 months through 4 years of age (2012-2016). Nannie Pea enjoys serving in the children’s ministry at her church, Gethsemane Baptist, in Newport News, Virginia. Having had a love for writing over many years, her favorite hobby is creating children’s stories, rhymes, and poems. Nannie Pea also creates acrostics, greeting cards, short stories, and plays.


Interview performed by 4Unique Publishing.


Tell Us about your book

Nannie Pea: Children’s Fiction and Children’s Math Fiction

Give us insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special or rare?

NP: Elaia is a very intelligent child who does not like math.


Who is your favorite character in your book and why?

NP: My favorite character is Elaia, because she represents my grandchild.


Who is your least favorite character and why?

NP: My least favorite character is the fear Elaia experienced, because fear was keeping her from being successful.


How long did it take you to complete “Nightmare in my World”?

NP: I completed the book in about three months.


What inspired you to write this book?

NP: My granddaughter constantly talked about her dislike for math, and I wanted to write a book that would show her how math is full of excitement.


How did you become interested in writing and becoming an author?

NP: I have always love to journal and write acrostics.


How do you think you’ve evolved creatively as an author?

NP: I have always loved to journal. Working with children inspires me, and I gain many wonderful ideas from their day-to-day interactions.


Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just seeing where an idea takes you?

NP: I love developing a creative idea and seeing if it leads to the development of a song, poem, acrostic or story.


Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

NP: I usually write early mornings, during and after my quiet time with the Lord.


Do you listen to music or watch TV/movie while you write?

NP: I enjoy the soft sound of spirituals and gospel music while writing.


What is the hardest thing about writing?

NP: The hardest thing about writing is staying focused on one project until it is  completed.


What challenges did you face in your process of writing, and publishing your book?

NP: The challenge I faced was to progress from writing for my pleasure to writing for a larger audience of children.


Who is publishing your book and why did you choose them to publish your book?

NP: I chose 4-U-Nique Publishing because I admire their work.


If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

NP: I would loved to have written Charlotte’s Web, by E. B. White, because Charlotte was such an amazing an unselfish spider.


What book are you currently reading or just finished?

 NP: I am currently reading Becoming by Michelle Obama and Wonder by R. J. Palacio.


Is there a book you love you’d like to recommend to others? 

NP: I would recommend Smile by Raina Telgemeier, one of my granddaughter’s favorite authors.


If your book were made into a movie, whom would you cast and why?

NP: If my book were made into a movie, I would cast my grandson because he is a gifted young actor.


Do you have another project in the works? If so, How about a teaser?



By Nannie Pea

Wake Up the Morning!

“Wake up Bru’ Bru’, wake up!” said four year old Ducee to his ten year old brother.

“It’s morning time, it’s morning time! The sun is waking up. See, see? I see the sun, I see it! I see yellow, I see orange. Look Bru’ Bru’! 

Wake up, wake up! Come on. Ducee wants to play! Play with Ducee.  Ducee wants abenture, abenture!”

“I don’t want to wake up.  Leave me alone. Tell the sun to go back to sleep. No adventure today,” Pally yelled, just as Ducee poured a cup of water on his face and ran from the room.

Pally jumped up and ran behind him. “Adventure!”

“You want an adventure? You’ve got it!”


What is one great lesson you have learned as a writer?

NP: I have learned to write down the thought as soon as it comes to mind, even if it means getting up in the middle of the night to do so. A thought not written immediately may be a thought lost.


Any advice for aspiring authors?

Go for your dream!  Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”


Tell us something unique about you.

NP: I love to sing, dance, run, teach, and play with children.


How can readers discover more about you and where can we find your book?

NP: Readers can discover more about me via my social media channels: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (NanniePea4Kids) and my website at

Readers can find my book at Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Apple and all other major book retailers.

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