How to Develop a Classy Lifestyle

Most people define class as having money to buy things to impress people they don’t actually like. To have a brand named items and being recognized for those expensive things. Or that minute at a stoplight and have someone look over at your car and think it is cool. However, to have class is to display a manner of excellence and refinement; in everyday terminology, it means that you actually care, and it is apparent on the outside.

Consider Your Fashion

We live in a culture where people are consistently telling us that they don’t care, but if you want to be classy, you need to care. You need to be aware of how you present yourself to the outside world. No, you don’t have to have brand named items, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money, but you need to be clean, well-coordinated, and well-groomed.

Consider your current wardrobe. Is it mostly t-shirts and jeans, workout clothes, or ‘athleisure’ wear? Swap out these items for clothing staples such as flattering sweaters, modest dresses, collared shirts (that are not plaid), and slacks. Keep in mind that your clothes should match your style, and if you aren’t comfortable, it will be obvious to others.

Consider Your Habits

If you find yourself spending hours every week or even every day on social media, phone games, watching TV, or other methods of killing time, make some changes. Most highly successful people read an average of one non-fiction book a month. Find ways that you can improve yourself over time. As the saying goes, if you aren’t finding ways to move forward, you move backward. As humans, we are in a consistent state of change, and you need to decide if you are going to change for the better.

Consider Your Living Conditions

You don’t have to have a million-dollar home to care for it and keep it clean. When you have a clean home that is well maintained, you are more likely to have better mental health and more likely to entertain and socialize with others.

Consider Your Future

Most people who would be considered classy have a plan for the future and the steps to get there. Whether they choose to utilize a vision board or have a planner that they carry with them, the point is to have a written down plan, and you can refer to it when you are making big decisions. The most significant part of this is to live within your means financially and build an emergency fund because it is not classy to be freaking out over a flat tire or a typical small emergency.

Bottom Line

Being classy is not something that is going to happen overnight. It takes time to develop your plan, curate your wardrobe without going into debt, and organize your living conditions. The point is to control what you can be in control of and roll with the punches on all the other things.

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