How to Cut Back Your Online Spending

In our current environment, we are spending more time at home due to COVID-19. With that comes a few extra minutes of free time that you could spend working out, learning something new, binge-watching your favorite show, or online shopping. More and more people are finding themselves adding items to cart while they are stuck at home, and they are shocked when they open their bank statements, so how can we curb our online spending?

Convenience Can Be the Problem

Many people are convinced that they are saving money shopping online because they are not tempted with impulse buying like when they go to a brick and mortar store. However, we are finding out that this is not the case. Because it is so easy to scroll from one page to another, companies are utilizing this ease of use to suggest other items that you might like or items that complement something you have already purchased. When you don’t have to search for these items yourself, you are more likely to add these to the cart.

Watch Out for the Subscribe and Save Functions

Online stores are now picking up on items that you buy the most often and offering the ‘subscribe and save’ function. So, things will show up at your door without you clicking on anything; these items range from diapers, deodorant, pet food and treats, to laundry soap. If you don’t get the shipping frequency exactly right, you could end up with a lot of your storage area.

The subscribe and save function can be tricky because you might not be saving a lot of money if any. You could find the item you are looking for at a local store for less money, and they might even offer curbside pick-up.

Get Organized

If you are going to do some online shopping, make sure that you have a plan. Make a list of the items that you need and stick with it. Don’t pay attention to those targeted ads on social media or item suggestions, and add to cart the things you planned.

Get Up and Do Something

People often start doing some online shopping when they are taking a break from work or just plain bored. Get up, away from your electronics, go for a walk, and plan for the purchase you will make and assess if you need to purchase at all.

Watch Your Timing

The other online habit people are finding themselves in is when they surf the internet after 8 pm. By this time, most people have had a long day, they have made thousands of micro-choices throughout the day, and their brains are just exhausted. After 8 pm, it is not an excellent time for people to make wise choices regarding online shopping and spending because you are just looking for that little bit of a buyer’s high.

Pace Your Purchases

Finally, try not to go through the process of online shopping every day. For most people, the actual act of purchasing an item online doesn’t feel real until it arrives that their door or they see their bank statements. Unless you need an item, allow a shipment to come to your door before getting online to purchase other things.

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